Making Fitness a habit in 2021

11 Simple Health Habits Worth Adopting Into Your Life – Health Essentials  from Cleveland Clinic

We are living an Era of a Pandemic that is already making a history of how important it is to stay fit and healthy. Making our bodies our priorities should be the new go to. Lockdown times have been extremely exhausting, whenever we wait for this COVID situation to get better, it tells us to stop dreaming but oh well, don’t worry; you really want to turn your boredom into fun, here are few things that you should get hooked on for some time besides working from home.

Start eating healthy

5 Simple Ways to Start Eating Healthy Right Now

One thing we all should agree upon is that this easy access to our kitchens during the lockdown has made us be a little bit careless in terms of eating, some of us are gaining weight but rest of us are worried about how to maintain a certain balance between the two, gaining weight and reducing it.  

Now I’ll tell you what, there’s a lot of mid-day snacking on, which is not good for your health, only few snacks could be considered alright not all of them so in that case, firstly don’t worry if you’ve gained a little bit of weight because of that it’s completely normal to gain weight in this global pandemic situation but what you have to make sure is that you’re staying safe and being healthy.

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To be precise, maintaining a good balance and focusing on one thing could help you a lot. For example, if you chose to cut down sugar a little bit throughout the day or if you could focus on eating more vegetables that alone can make a huge difference in your routine, start keeping a check on that. Having multi-vitamins can also help you staying active and healthy. It’s important to keep your diet in a proper proportion and besides vegetables; some particular fruits are also very good for your health. 

Have a good sleep

Can onions help you sleep better? | Onions for a good sleep

It is very necessary that you should schedule a proper time of when you should sleep, maximum getting almost 8 to 9 hours of resting is enough but make sure you do it.

Physically Fit : What does it mean?

After maintaining your sleep cycle, wake up early like a boss that you are, brush your teeth, wash your face and then head over to your breakfast (skipping it is worst, don’t do that to yourself) but before that a little bit of exercising or stretching won’t sound bad. It’s a must. In case if you don’t know, exercising in the morning will help balancing your inner system’s flow in a way that you will feel active throughout your day.

Make exercising your habit

7 Workout Habits You Should Drop Now | Time

One of the best things this pandemic has ever done is it got all of us worried about our working out routines. Seriously, I’ve noticed people who didn’t even used to work out are now working out, crazy isn’t it? The way this Pandemic has taught us to value important things and activities in our lives is awesome.

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Since we cannot hit gym because of the Pandemic and yeah safety comes first, don’t stress out, you can work out from home and that too in a calories burned out way. There’s a vast amount of fitness influencers on YouTube and Instagram, they’re constantly uploading good fitness routines and those are also good for your immune system and you know how important it is to maintain immune because of the current times, yeah. Know that, you don’t have to be like go hard or go home, it’s okay to be easy on yourself and do exercises that aren’t harmful but effective.

You can also search for applications on the play store that might help a lot with home workouts. My personal favorite has to be ‘Fitify: Workout Routines & Training plans”.

Set a limit to your screen time

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Yes, during this COVID lockdown situation, a lot of us have gotten free time on our hands and that is when screen time becomes excessive, it’s okay to binge watch Netflix but don’t just limit yourself to the screen.

It is also proven that excessive screen time can disturb your sleep and ruin your mood; it has an awful impact on health that you should be very careful.

Stay organized with your working from home routine

26 Working From Home Tips During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Since pandemic most of us are working from home strictly and that can affect health in a negative way, I will tell you how, you should be busy in a constant moment and not just stick to one seat or couch for hours because that will stress you out and make you go hard on yourself.

Working From Home - From

Take it easy; don’t just limit yourself with constant hours of working, take a break and then go on.  Experts say that you should maintain a working boundary and don’t just be at one corner for hours, it also makes your time limited to just one thing. While working you need to be active no matter wherever you are, so you should have something that can boost your mind such as coffee (it helps me a lot though) but not excessive, anything excessive is not good, always remember that.

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