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About ProLon

The effectiveness of fasting as a healthy weight loss method is highly debatable. With a specific meal plan that deceives your body into believing you are fasting while you are still eating, the ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program, also known as the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), aims to bridge the gap between eating often and strictly fasting.

The FMD promotes weight loss with a 5-day meal plan made by L-Nutra, a business that combines technology and nutrition. To help you determine if FMD is the correct treatment for you, we will walk you through how the plan works and what you’ll consume.

ProLon is designed to help you start losing weight quickly. Top media publications including Forbes, TIME & the BBC, have all covered the ProLon diet. Despite all the positive feedback ProLon has gotten, the main questions this ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program review is interested in are whether the diet truly works and what to anticipate from their meal kits.

Use this ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program review to familiarize yourself with the company, its offerings, and its dieting philosophy before starting a new diet. You can also use it to research some frequently asked questions regarding the ProLon fast.


Although this diet was conceived, tested and manufactured by L-Nutra, ProLon is just the brand name. The Fast Bar and the Nutrition for Longevity product line were developed by L-Nutra scientists. Their purpose is to encourage a longevity based lifestyle with goods that assist individuals in achieving a healthy weight and ProLon diet kits are the next step in that direction.

In 2009, L-Nutra was established. Although the corporation has offices all around the world, its headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. ProLon, their most recent brand, debuted back in September 2016. Products from ProLon are now available in 12 nations.

Professor Valter Longo, a gerontology specialist and author of the bestselling book The Longevity Diet, is a minority owner of L-Nutra. Aside from his extensive collection of published research and writing on the topics of aging and disease, he has also delivered several TED Talks.


On paper, L-Nutra appears to be quite amazing, however keep in mind that this is a fasting diet. Fasting diets may be a significant change for your body, so you shouldn’t leap into one without considering the possible advantages against the lifestyle adjustments you’ll need to make or talking to your own medical specialists.


  1. Every meal is vegetarian and free of gluten.
  2. They have a large selection so you never get tired of your meals.
  3. The meal packages are excellent and nutritious.
  4. Results vary, following the 5-Day Fasting Nutritional Program on ProLon. However there are results.
  5. An easy-to-follow food plan.
  6. Many positive customer testimonials.
  7. Free water bottle.
  8. Free delivery.

How Does It Work

Through a plant-based diet followed for five days, the ProLon cellular cleanse induces fasting in your body. The strictly plant-based diet is intended to deceive your body into believing that you are fasting even if you are actually eating three times a day.

If used properly, ProLon may cause users to lose weight in a manner comparable to that of a genuine fast, but because you are still eating three times daily, it is far safer than other methods of fasting.

You must consume the food in your daily meal kit each day. It includes supper, lunch and breakfast.

The ProLon program uses a straightforward approach over the course of three months to get its full results. Here is a brief explanation of the ProLon strategy…

Eat more plant-based foods and avoid any junk food to get ready for your fast.

  1. On Day 1’s morning, start your 5-day ProLon FMD.
  2. Observe the meal plan in your ProLon food kit.
  3. On Day 6, adhere to the meal transition strategy for even greater outcomes.
  4. At the beginning of the following two months, repeat the procedure twice more.


Although the 5-day meal kits make up the bulk of the ProLon diet regimen, it is advised that you cut back on your calorie consumption and switch to a plant-based diet for a few days before you start the diet. This aids your body’s adaptation to a potentially significant shift.

L-Nutra also advises that you follow a meal transition plan that gradually introduces more calorie-dense, sweet foods back into your diet after your five-day ProLon fast is finished by consuming trail mix composed of nuts, berries, and dark chocolate. On Day 6, you do not want to get in your car and go to the closest fast food restaurant.

The final and maybe most crucial point to remember is that the clinical research ProLon employs to show the efficiency of their ProLon program is based on a 5-day weekly cycle that starts at the beginning of each month for three months. This implies that in order to achieve the optimum effects from ProLon, you must use it three consecutive months at the start of each month.

The five meal kits are packaged in a straightforward, plain white box. It reminds me of Apple’s modern simplicity. The front of each box has a day printed on it, making it aesthetically beautiful and simple to follow. Breakfast, lunch, and supper are all clearly marked on a fresh box for each day, and everything is essentially prepared for heating and consumption. When you’re rushing, keeping things simple is best!

The ProLon meal kits are portable and tiny, making them simple to take to work. The meal kits also have a discrete, plain appearance. They don’t have any obvious branding and appear like any other food packet, so you can keep your diet a secret if you don’t want to announce it to the office.

You may purchase a single box of the ProLon diet or sign up for a monthly subscription. If you decide to subscribe, you may stop at any time. ProLon’s meal kits come with a reasonable return policy as well.

How Does It Work

ProLon rounds off this FMD’s healthy vegetarian soups, teas and snacks with their own line of “L-bars” and beverages for sweetness and energy.

Although all of the meals in the kits are gluten free and plant based, they still have flavor. Customers frequently remark on how wonderful their selections tasted, particularly the soups.


The following choices are available with Daily Food Kits.


Original Flavors – Vegetable, Minestrone, Quinoa, Mushroom & Tomato

New Flavors – Butternut Squash, Black Bean, Butternut with Quinoa, Spinach with White Bean, and Tomato.

Teas & Drinks

Hibiscus Tea.

Spearmint Tea.

Spearmint Lemon Tea.

L-Drink Orange.

Algal Oil Supplement.

L-Drink Tropical Berry.



Kale Crackers.

L-Bar. Nut-Based Fast Bar.

L-Bar. Choco Crisp Fast Bar.


Visit ProLon’s FAQ for a more comprehensive list of the ingredients and nutritional facts for each product. Although ProLon’s collection includes some nut free products, many of the meals do include nuts.

ProLon 5 Day Nutritional Program

After examining what you’ll be consuming during the ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program, let’s examine what the ProLon fast does to your body. Keep in mind that this is not a complete fast, it is more like a diet with limited calories.

It’s healthy to fast while still eating and the ProLon Fasting Program offers this option. This may seem to be in contradiction, but when you look at their dietary plan, it makes lot more sense.

The 5 day meal program, supplies sustenance but doesn’t cause your body to believe that it is eating, so you continue to be in a fasting state, according to a clinical experiment at the University of Southern California, where Valter Longo is a faculty member. In a way, you are “cheating” since you can have your cake and eating it too.

Key Benefits

You may experience the physical repercussions of a fast while still enjoying meals by using the FMD approach. The advantages of the ProLon FMD may be experienced by your body in a number of ways. There is a chance that the FMD will…

  1. Encourage a way of living centered on longevity. The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet, stimulates fat reduction over several cycles without lowering lean body mass or muscle mass.
  2. Viscosity is decreased with repeated cycles of ProLon, while lean body mass and muscular mass are preserved.
  3. After finishing the fast, actual ProLon users reported feeling more energized.
  4. After finishing their first cycle of ProLon, consumers said they had more clarity & attention.
  5. Users of ProLon report having more clarity and attention up to two weeks after taking the product.
  6. Most ProLon users who were polled claimed to have increased energy following the fast.
  7. A clinical investigation comparing the effects of a 5-day ProLon cycle performed once a month for four months to a daily heart healthy diet revealed that ProLon is more beneficial to athletes since it retains lean muscle mass.
  8. ProLon may be used by athletes without risk since it has no negative effects on muscle function.
  9. Preserves the function of lean muscle.

Drinking Coffee on the ProLon Diet?

You are allowed to have a small amount of coffee every day. Even so, if at all possible, it is advised that you stay away from it. If you must have your coffee, the researchers at L-Nutra advise keeping your daily caffeine intake to 90 mg or lower. This is equal to two cups of black or green tea with caffeine, an 8 oz. cup of black coffee, or up to six cups of decaffeinated coffee.

Drinking Alcohol on the ProLon Diet?

According to studies, you should refrain from drinking alcohol if you’re attempting to reduce weight in general. In order to prevent affecting your ProLon findings, L-Nutra also suggests avoiding alcohol while fasting.

Exercising on the ProLon Diet?

This is a difficult choice, because you’ll be eating relatively few calories and will have less energy. ProLon appears to advise against working out, but if you must exercise to complete your daily routine, they stress that you only engage in gentle activity, such as stretching and yoga. Or if you feel fine after that, just do your normal workout routine but just scale it back a bit.

Who Is It For?

The majority of healthy people can attempt ProLon fasting, however those with health issues or those over 70 should first speak with their doctor. A healthcare provider should be consulted before beginning the ProLon diet if you are under the age of 18.

If you have any concerns, please read the “Safety Precautions” and “Medically Related” portions of ProLon’s FAQ page since there are many more specific medical topics discussed there.

Before beginning the ProLon FMD, you should absolutely speak with your doctor if you have any hesitations regarding fasting. The ProLon experts at L-Nutra also advise seeing your doctor before beginning the ProLon FMD if you have a health issue of any type or are taking any drugs.

Additionally, women who are nursing or pregnant shouldn’t follow the ProLon diet. Fasting is also not advised if you are deemed underweight.

Comparison between ProLon & Dr. Kellyann

The Dr. Kellyann Cleanse & Reset is the diet that most closely resembles the ProLon FMD since both are 5-day diet plans with a concentration on soup based nourishment and some fasting. The Bone Broth Diet, Dr. Kellyann’s bestselling book, may be familiar to most.

You’ll see right away that the ideologies of each organization are very dissimilar. ProLon is a health-focused diet that appeals to a larger audience and is supported by research and clinical testing. In contrast, Dr. Kellyann’s strategy appears to be much more focused on body image and having a slender, attractive appearance.

“Slim & sexy” is a direct quote from Dr. Kellyann’s website. Her show seems to be much more geared toward women in terms of appearance and language. Her program includes packaging that primarily leans toward pinks and purples and discusses topics like cellulite, lean muscle, and hair development. Contrarily, ProLon employs significantly more unbiased language and design.

Given that they do not specifically declare they are gluten free or plant based, the items marketed by Dr. Kellyann appear to be far less health oriented than those at ProLon. In this aspect, ProLon FMD is the superior product since it is better for your health, the environment, and is more palatable to those with different dietary requirements.

The Dr. Kellyann Cleanse and Rest is a self-contained 5-day meal kit program that doesn’t call for any further purchases in terms of ingredients. Both diets center around soup, but ProLon adds some solid meals by interspersing its variety of soups with a ProLon quick bar or a snack. The Cleanse & Rest only offers bone broth and smoothies, which is a far cry from the range of ProLon soups.

The Dr. Kellyann 5-day kit will cost you between $219 and $279. ProLon is more cost effective, a 5-day kit costs $187 or $179 a month with a subscription.

How Much Does It Cost?

All of the study conducted by L-staff Nutra’s was based on a 3-month cycle of fasting and good eating. How does that affect you? For your three months of intermittent fasting, you’ll need to purchase three ProLon meal kits in order to get the optimum results.


Subscriptions and Prices

 There are three ways to get a ProLon food kit and start experiencing the benefits of FMD…

Subscribe & Save – $179 per month. Available as a monthly box or one box every 3 months.

Single ProLon Order – $187

3-Box Bundle & Save – $510


Customers may also receive 15% off single box purchases or subscriptions by using our special promotional code, HONEST15.

Although a monthly membership offers the most discounts, you may also get a single 5-day meal plan to try it out. Prices are subject to change and represent the most recent sales as of the day this review was written for the ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program.

Customer Reviews

A number of reviews on the ProLon website are quite positive about the FMD diet. These testimonials often fall into one of two categories, how well clients felt following the 5-Day Fasting Nutritional Program or how much weight they were able to lose.

The basic tone of ProLon’s featured evaluations is neatly summarized by one client…

“Second time. Got easier. And the results are amazing, lost 10 pounds in 5 days and feel great”.


We also looked into TrustPilot as part of our ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program evaluation to get a more nuanced picture of how consumers feel about the company. ProLon FMD received a 4 out of 5 star rating from 1,565 reviewers, which is a very good rating.

One satisfied client said, “For those that want to fast without the side effects of water fasting, this is a good program! It’s still difficult but it’s worth the benefits”.


Reviews on TrustPilot demonstrate that dieting, especially something as demanding as a fast, is not simple. There’s a reason for still using the saying “no pain, no gain” when discussing health and wellbeing, even though the ProLon experts make the diet as simple as possible!

ProLon received outstanding reviews from Forbes and Health as well. Both commended the program and its emphasis on total health rather than simply sheer weight loss, while acknowledging that it isn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea.

ProLon FMD appears to be endorsed as a very successful technique to jump-start a weight shift, give your body a boost, and place more emphasis on your health in the great majority of evaluations and publications that study it.

Is It Worth It

The ProLon FMD is an excellent place to start if you have a lot of trouble setting big weight reduction goals in your thoughts. ProLon tries to provide scientific and medical evidence to support their diet. That can’t be true for other diets that are just a fad and don’t deliver on the promises they make concerning weight loss.

The people at ProLon meticulously plan out your food pattern and make no promises beyond what their clinical study indicates is realistic. ProLon is not a crash diet that is hard to maintain, but rather a practical lifestyle approach that you can adopt as a regular component of your long-term health regimen.

The cost is the only factor keeping the company from receiving a perfect score in our study of the ProLon 5-Day Nutritional Program. Doing this for three months feels incredibly expensive at around $50 each day. To lose 5 pounds or more from your waistline, that would take 15 days and around $750.

The ProLon diet cost might become prohibitive if you are on any type of a tight budget, have many family members who want to join the program, or want to utilize the system more frequently.

However, if money isn’t an issue, we discovered that their program might be a fantastic, long term option. Their claims aren’t outrageous, their approach to fasting is much simpler to maintain than other more strenuous or conventional techniques, and consumers are frequently happy with the outcomes.

The ProLon fasting diet may be just what your body needs if you’re seeking for a weight reduction plan that is supported by research.

Promotions & Discounts

On their boxes and subscriptions, ProLon frequently offers promotions and discounts. The complete ProLon meal kit series is currently 25% reduced, dropping from $249 to $187 with a free gift. This applies to all subscription plans as well as the new soup tastes. You can also save 15% on single box orders or subscriptions by using our special promotional code, HONEST15.

Additionally, all orders within the US receive free delivery.

How to Sign Up For ProLon

It’s easy to buy anything once or subscribe for a monthly or annually ProLon program. The steps are as follows…

  1. First visit the ProLon website.
  2. Click the profile button in the top right corner of the page to create an account.
  3. Input your email address and password, then carry out the instructions.
  4. Next, just click one of the site’s orange “Order Now” links.
  5. Choose the ProLon product that best suits your requirements.
  6. Add to Cart by clicking. And to save an extra 15% on a single box or subscription, use the coupon code HONEST15.
  7. A pop-up menu with a checkout button and a request to choose your payment option will display.
  8. Once your mailing address has been entered, click the green “Continue” button. To the right, you can view a summary of your order.
  9. Place your order by entering the information for your credit card.


How to cancel the subscription?

  1. Visit the ProLon website now.
  2. By clicking the profile button in the upper right corner, you may access your ProLon account.
  3. There is a toolbar to the right of the My Account Page that says Account Details.
  4. If you are currently subscribed to ProLon, click “Manage Subscriptions” and then follow the instructions to cancel.

What’s their shipping policy?

In addition to the US, UK & Canada, ProLon now ships to 17 additional nations. Free shipping is available from ProLon to the US, and delivery times range from 4 to 7 business days.

There are no tariffs or customs on your order if ProLon is available where you are. Just be sure to place your order through the website for your nation, which can be found on ProLon’s ‘International Orders’ page.

How to contact them?

Call ProLon at 888-618-1281 from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST). You may also submit a contact form on the ProLon website or send an email to with your inquiries.

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